/ blog. chaff. occasional witterings.


Thoughts From the Open Platform

essays 23:52:13

Last November, I was lucky enough to get an invite to the Guardian's first hack day, which commenced with signing an NDA for their forthcoming API. Last Tuesday, I got up early to go to the shiny new Kings Place offices to see the Open Platform launch, and there were three things I wanted to post about it.

The first has been well covered: how open it is. I was initially hesitant about this too, but unlike the sites that have launched APIs until now, which are largely built on user-generated content (for once, the phrase actually fits), the Guardian's opening up content which it's sold rather than given away for nearly two hundred years.

Meanwhile, Winer raises the question "You gotta wonder if when they get out of beta their competitors will be able to repurpose their content. My guess is not" when that was the first question raised in the launch Q&A (and it's been reported since, not least on Roo Reynold's excellent writeup); it was answered (more or less) with a yes. The situation isn't ideal, and I still don't have an API key, but it's a very different beast from an service whose goals include backing up your own content. For now, I'll forgive them.

The second was on the subject of the Data Store, the Guardian's curated selection of "facts you can use", as the title puts it. The spreadsheets are hosted on Google Docs, but to edit them online you have to export them as Excel and then reimport them.

This seems incredible to me now, having been exposed to the joy of GitHub and its easy forking. Why not allow people to spawn editable copies of a spreadsheet, directly linked back to an authoritative source, keeping their own views (including visualisations)? Admittedly, this is a project more for Google (or a competitor to them) than the Guardian, but it'd be great.

(As a side note, I found the post by Simon Dickson on Data Store quite interesting. I did once spend some time grappling with ONS spreadsheets, and found them quite hard to work with. Unfortunately, a quick look at the Guardian's selection shows some of the same problems - heading rows that interfere with columns, for example. Again, a forking model would allow the emergence of semi-canonical clean data sets, which would be great.)

The final point was even more tangentially linked to the Guardian's APIs, but it did spring to mind in discussions (with, I think, Gavin Bell in the immediate aftermath). It arose after talking about the demo Chris Thorpe wrote for the launch, Content Tagger, which combines the Guardian's tags with those in Freebase's ontology and the hive mind's tags from delicious.

As Chris says in his writeup (which is well worth reading), "Tom Coates' vision of the Age of Point-at-Things is fast becoming the age of point at resources and link them all together," and what seems to be linking things together more and more often is the tag.

More specifically, machine tags are foreign keys. (Well, they can be other things, too. But they're very good at that in particular.) For example, I can imagine a script that adds tags to delicious based on the Guardian's tags for their own stories, but prefixed with "guardian:" or "guardian:tag=" so that they don't clutter my tags. Similarly, snaptrip links Flickr to Dopplr, like the popular lastfm: and upcoming: machine tags, while the recently-launched Friends on Flickr Facebook app uses, guess what, facebook:user= machine tags.

Content Tagger doesn't directly use machine tags that way, but it struck me that it might be a useful way to think about them in the future.

In any case, it was a privilege to attend the launch, and I'm happy to have had a few thoughts spurred by it.
