/ blog. chaff. occasional witterings.


iTunes Music Store Survey

computing 18:54:30

Almost a month ago, now, I recieved an email from Apple asking if I'd like to take part in a survey about the iTunes Music Store. Now, I hardly use the thing, so I assume this was down to luck rather than anything else, but I suddenly realised at the end that maybe other people would be interested. Thankfully, there was no anti-back-button detection, so I was able to capture a few of the, to me, more interesting screens.

"If you're unable to find music on iTMS, where do you look?"

Fairly obvious choices here (other stores, CD, fileharing), but at least they recognise that - even now - there are gaps in their catalogue.

"Sound quality"

Do CDs sound better than iTunes downloads, or vice versa? I said "I hadn't compared", and it's true, I haven't. I doubt I'd notice, personally. I'm not about to go asking for Apple Lossless everywhere. Maybe if enough other people say "CDs sound much better" they'll consider it, though.

"If you lost music, would you expect the iTMS to replace tracks?"

I wouldn't. Am I wrong?

"Would you use an Apple music backup service?"

Are they looking at MP3Tunes/Oboe? Anyway, I doubt it. Unless they're going to back up my rips too, and I suspect they wouldn't.

"Do you understand our DRM scheme?"

Fairly elf-explanatory question, that. I wonder if I was right; I might have misinterpreted the last question. If it means "can you copy from an iPod to another iPod", the answer is "none, unless you cheat with something like PodWorks."

"Would you be interested in the following features?"

Ah, here's the one that people did notice. It seems to point to the possible development of something like within the Store, as well as rewards programmes. Oddly it also includes features that I'm sure exist already (iMix, iTunes Essentials).

Anyway, hopefully this has been of interest to someone.
