/ blog. chaff. occasional witterings.


Saving State and Programming

essays 22:32:00

John Gruber just posted one of his (increasingly rare) long-form posts, on the subject of untitled documents, friction, and computers handling the boring things for you. He picks an example from a recently-released piece of software:

BBEdit 9 has a good implementation of such a feature. Once a minute, it silently and invisibly stores copies all open documents. If BBEdit crashes or otherwise exits abnormally (like, say, if the entire system goes down), when next you launch BBEdit, it restores your work to the last auto-saved state.

I agree, it's a great feature. I ranted years ago about saving state in iTunes (an app that Gruber deservedly celebrates for hiding a tedious implemenation detail - the on-disk layout of your files - from the user). The thing that's surprising me is that programmers have become so used to the idea that an application should be a blank state at startup, that they actively think anything else is a bug:

I'm getting a strange behavior in BBEdit 9.1. When I launch BBEdit it mysteriously opens all the files I had open when BBEdit was last quit.

How did we get to this state? If you come back into your office on Monday morning and your papers aren't where you left them, you swear under your breath at the cleaner, not think "oh, good, someone reset my working environment". I don't see any reason why my computer shouldn't be the same as my office desk is: everything should be where (and how) I left it.

I think there's a parallel between dynamic languages and saving state that Gruber doesn't explicitly state: they've both been enabled by all that computing power that twenty-five years of Moore's Law has put into my MacBook that wasn't in the original 128K Mac. Who cares if your language's compiler has to wrap print "hello world"; in all that boilerplate for you? Similarly, writing out a few kilobytes of state information every now and again and reopening a few dozen files at app startup isn't going to kill you (especially when you only restart it once a fortnight).

Thankfully, all that time programmers save by not having to write boilerplate code should give them time to implement state-saving. They'll save even more when frameworks do it for them. Hopefully, by that point, users will expect it, too.
