/ blog. chaff. occasional witterings.


Doc Searls visits London

Well, Doc Searls appears to be in London and Ben Hammersley invited ukbloggers along. I made sure Matt Webb would be there and with help from a remote Google source (thanks Simon) I made it to the pub.

It was a little odd for me being there, since I hardly knew anyone there. On the other hand, people there were friendly enough, and I got to eat lots of really garlic-y garlic bread, drink strange little shots and bottles of lager, and we talked about all sorts of things, like whether Apple were doing enough with OS X (and Jaguar) and how fragile their position was, bridging MOOs and IRC (with bots, naturally), Shazam! and other uses for phoning services up for information (like, um, lie detectors), the sociability of British geeks compared with American ones, and my utter inability to take photos without it going all wobbly somewhere (plus a bit of lust for Doc's nice video camera).

Anyway, it was a nice evening, even if it did make me feel curiously like I was under some sort of obligation to make a blog post...
